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Featured Story

Adding Love and Support to Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Nicotine replacement therapy (like gum and patches) works best when you combine it with a plan and coaching support for your quit journey. Here’s how Dorine used different types of help to quit tobacco.

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Building the Confidence to Quit

Quitting tobacco takes strength and belief in yourself. This is how Marilyn found the confidence to quit.

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Catching My Breath

Long-term smoking can cause coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath (among other symptoms). This was one of the main reasons that Mary quit.

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Cold Turkey Wasn't Cutting It

Quitting tobacco cold turkey on your own works for some—but not for Shawn. Here’s how he quit with support and structure.

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Fighting Through Slips to Be Four Years Tobacco Free

Quitting tobacco can be full of slips, or “relapses.” But relapses aren’t signs of failure—they’re a natural part of the path to ending tobacco use for good. Here’s how Lisa learned to work through slips to being four years smoke-free.

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Good People Helped Me Quit

I quit with help of good people, and this program one of the best things I have ever done.

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Helping My Family Avoid COPD

COPD is a serious lung disease, and the third leading cause of death in the United States. Eight out 10 people who die from COPD have smoked. Geri developed COPD—and didn’t want her children to have it too. Here’s how she quit smoking to set a good example.

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I Treated Myself to Health

Tobacco can feel like a pleasure you allow yourself. But it robs you of your health. Here’s how Marie changed how she thought about cigarettes—and how she found out that the real “treat” was life without them.

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Off to a Good Start

I have smoked for five years, and I am now one week tobacco free.

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Quitting after Multiple Tries

I quit for a few weeks and then picked it back up a few days. Now I have been off it for 2 weeks. I feel better and am not looking back.

Displaying Results 1 - 10 (of 26)
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Quitting For my Baby

Quitting tobacco during pregnancy and remaining quit after giving birth can be really challenging. This is how Jesi Marie did it.

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Quitting for My Grandchildren's Safety

Smoking around children puts them at higher risk of having bronchitis, pneumonia, severe asthma attacks, ear infections, and even SIDS. See how Betty quit smoking so she could spend time with her grandchildren without risking their health.

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Quitting to Avoid Cancer

Smoking makes you 15 to 30 times more likely to have—or die from—lung cancer. A lung cancer scare motivated Janet to quit.

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Quitting to Prepare for Surgery

Smoking puts people who are having surgery at higher risk for complications (like heart attack, pneumonia, and deep vein thrombosis). Needing hip surgery, Susan knew the time had come to quit.

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Quitting with More Than Cookies

Many people eat to avoid cigarettes. But as Robert found out, there are other, healthier ways to quit smoking.

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Refusing to Give Up

It takes the average smoker 8-11 tries to quit smoking for good. Relapse can be hard to avoid—but help is available. See how April finally quit after several attempts.

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Smelling Like Roses

The smell of cigarettes can really affect the people around you. Learn how Penny got rid of tobacco—and its turn-offs.

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Smoke-free after more than 15 years

I started smoking in high school instead of chewing.

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Smoking Since My Teens

The longer you smoke, the harder it can be to quit—but you can still do it. This is how Melissa quit smoking after 20 years.

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Staying Positive

It's only been 10 days since I quit, but I feel much more confident about this attempt than my prior ones.

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Sweating It Out

I decided to quit back in July (2017). I had been tapering off for a while and decided one day that I wasn't going to have any more packs.

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Trading Cigarettes for School

Smoking costs the average smoker in the United States more than $1 million over a lifetime. Cigarettes were costing Nick an education. Here’s how he quit so he could pursue his dream of going back to school.

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Multiple Attempts Quitting

Demo text. Lorem Text for Martin

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Fighting Through Slips

Demo text. Lorem Text for Ashley

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Smoke-Free After More

Demo text. Lorem Text for Gene

Displaying Results 21 - 26 (of 26)